This Thanksgiving give thanks for good health
Take steps to embrace a positive attitude and settle anxieties. Boost your mental health with positive thinking and mindfulness. If you spill coffee on your shirt, rather than declare this day off to a bad start, decide that accidents happen and move forward. Train yourself...
How does sugar interact with your body?
You know that sugar is in almost everything you eat and that eating too much of it can cause serious health problems. But how much is too much, and how does it work? Sugar is a type of carbohydrate, and like all carbohydrates your body...
Beat Christmas Stress Before December 1st!
Christmas Day is on its way and with it comes joy, family time, and stress! We have some tips to help you make Christmas the most wonderful time of year again. Take a page from the big man in red and make a list. Note...
Be aware of how the New Year affects your medical care
Are you prepared to start the New Year off on the right foot? How about the left? Hard to believe that another year is winding down, but the truth is that the new year is just a few weeks away which means holidays are just...
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight?
In order to stick with a new plan, you have to be completely on board, and that takes more than fitting in a yoga class twice a week. Here some tips about finding your path to good health....
The Role of Salt in Our Every Day Diet
The commentary on the amount of salt we consume fluctuates. You need sodium; salt can be harmful. A low-sodium diet is a good thing; eating less salt won’t necessarily change your life. What’s the deal? Salt has a bad rap, and with good reason, but...
Demystifying Acupuncture
Acupuncture, a treatment employed by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), treats pain and illness using the insertion of acupuncture needles under the skin to rebalance Qi, (pronounced “chee”), also known as energy or life force. TCM believes that two different but complementary universal energy...
How to Hold Your Beer Glass and Other Summertime Relaxation Tips
As you kick back and relax through the fair-weather months keep these tips in mind to help your body last through every cottage weekend you get!...
4 Ways to Manage Stress
Stress can lead to physical and mental health issues including high blood pressure, chronic headaches, and depression. Some stress is normal, but when it feels like you can’t get ahead talk to your primary medical caregivers about stress management. Here are some of our best...
Naturopathic Medicine and Your Summer Body: Beyond the Swimsuit
What’s your ideal summer body? Perhaps your mind conjures polka dot bikinis and 6-pack abs. What are you doing about your seasonal allergies? Is your back prepared to go camping? What’s your plan to battle distraction during that countdown to vacation? We challenge you to...