Thanksgiving table decoration

This Thanksgiving give thanks for good health

This Thanksgiving praise your good health and use that positivity to increase healthy habits before you feel the pressure of New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips on how to kick start the next phase on your road to happy health.

Invigorate your mental health

Take steps to embrace a positive attitude and settle anxieties. Boost your mental health with positive thinking and mindfulness. If you spill coffee on your shirt, rather than declare this day off to a bad start, decide that accidents happen and move forward. Train yourself to look for silver linings. Combining mindfulness with positive thinking can go a long way in making a negative situation a learning experience. Get cleaning! Tackle routine chores or start a project you’ve been putting off. Tidy your desk, or glam it up, even if all you can do is mix some colourful pens into your drawer. Sort through and donate clothing you haven’t worn in years, or label the piles of photos you shoved in a box, and feel some of the weight on your shoulders recede immediately with your accomplishment.

Never fear asking for help. Consult your medical team for help with mental health, no matter how small you think your struggles might be.

Increase your physical health

Taking charge of your physical health can be as easy going for a walk around the neighbourhood and as adventurous as joining a recreational sports league. Take up a new activity, join a gym, try water aerobics, or hire a personal trainer. You can try something for a few months to see if it suits you, and move on to something new anytime, but if you never go for it you risk missing out on finding your passion. Physical activity exists for people of all abilities and physicality. Talk to your doctor before commencing a new form of exercise to be sure of your real and perceived limits. If you’re already physically active try something new like rowing, martial arts, or fencing to mix up your work outs.

If you’re not already physically active try something new – like rowing, martial arts, or fencing! – and find out what motivates you. Ask your friends and family members if they want to join you if you’re nervous about going it alone.

Embrace a healthy diet.

Whether you’re interested in trying a new diet, the benefits of superfoods, or chiming in on the argument for and against organics, seek professional opinions as well as your taste buds. Make an appointment with a nutritionist or naturopath to discover your body’s specific needs and to get reliable information about what is good for you, then jump in to something new. Try new foods, learn to cook, or start packing creative and healthy lunch and snacks for work.

At Wilson Health Services we’re thankful for our clients and we’re happy to help you achieve your health goals, whatever they are. The next time you’re in to see any of our health care specialists talk about your health dreams to get some direction.  Book an appointment by calling 519-624-8000 or visit