Naturopathic Medicine and Your Summer Body: Beyond the Swimsuit
What’s your ideal summer body? Perhaps your mind conjures polka dot bikinis and 6-pack abs. What are you doing about your seasonal allergies? Is your back prepared to go camping? What’s your plan to battle distraction during that countdown to vacation? We challenge you to entrust your Summer Body ideal to one of general health and wellbeing rather than a selfie. A great person to have on your team of trusted Summer Body Advisors is a naturopath. Here are some of our favourite reasons why.
Naturopathic Medicine and Allergies:
Summer allergies are awful. No one wants to spend sunny days sneezing and scratching. Allergies aren’t limited to pollen and insect bites. Intolerances and allergies exist for summertime foods, like watermelon, strawberries, and other backyard garden treats. Talking to a naturopathic doctor about symptoms you experience after eating certain foods or interacting with plants, animals, and insects can help you know what to avoid eating and brushing up
against as well as provide treatment plans for allergy symptoms when you can’t avoid an allergen. If margaritas give you indigestion it’s time to find out why!
Naturopathic Medicine and Healthy Eating:
The plethora of advice about proper nutrition can be contradicting and confusing. Is gluten good for you or not? What advantages will a diet rich in antioxidants have for you? How do you know whether you need more fibre? The world is rich with answers and advice, but what it all has in common is you. Your body is unique to you, and your lifestyle and tastes play a starring role in what your dietary needs are. A naturopathic doctor works with you to determine your best choices and healthiest diet to best serve your life, your energy, your metabolism, and your mental as well as physical health.
Naturopathic Medicine and Focus:
Naturopathic doctors have extensive knowledge in ways to boost concentration and energy levels, which can come in handy when you set yourself a summer challenge such as an early morning exercise routine or a summer sport like paddle boarding. Having some handle on your moods and understanding what triggers your emotional responses also helps keep you productive when fair weather distracts you from working in your windowless cubicle, or studying for summer classes when everyone goes out for ice cream. Treatments may include conscientious movement, brain exercises, positive reinforcement, and herbal remedies. Your naturopathic doctor also knows a great deal about brain-boosting foods and the connections between healthy work and social life. Find out how your mid-morning cup of coffee really effects your day!
Wilson Health Services has a naturopathic doctor on staff ready and excited to work with you to build your best body, mind, and spirit, no matter the season. Book an appointment today! And talk to our staff about how our clinic can assist your summer health goals with chiropractic care, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and chiropody. Call us at 519-624-8000 or visit https://wilsonhealth.ca to find out how our community-minded clinic can help you.